Purified air, blows contaminated breath away from the airways towards the floor, where it is sucked in and cleaned by the ViraClinAir®.
As in an airplane, an almost vertical airflow is directed from top to bottom, so that an aerosol cloud released at head height cannot be transmitted to someone on the other side.
- The air has to flow out near the ceiling and the entire room from above
Flow downwards, ViraClinAir® has a variable height of up to 3.50 m and can therefore be adapted to most rooms. - ViraClinAir® can be used in rooms up to 200 square meters
- ViraClinAir® generates 6 to 30 air changes per hour, depending on the size of the room
- With the use of ViraClinAir® there is no unpleasant draft because the device works with a maximum flow rate of 0.15m / h.
- Specially shaped and individually adjusted nozzles for the desired air distribution.
- ViraClinAir® monitors and documents the room climate + all of its functions.
- The room climate is shown on a touch display and the device is operated.
- ViraClinAir® is made up of standard ventilation technology elements and can therefore be ideally adapted to any space.
- ViraClinAir® is child's play to install, can be easily dismantled for transport and can be easily moved even when set up thanks to lockable wheels.
- ViraClinAir® is intended as an efficient solution to the corona problem and is designed for meeting rooms that do not have a built-in ventilation system with fresh air supply. The existingair is sterilized quickly and safely.
- A necessary fresh air supply with oxygen is indicated by the system with a traffic light.
In 4 steps to clean, sterile air

1st Stage: Fine filter ISO ePM2,5 Filter(F7)
In this preliminary stage, the air is first through a fine filter class F7 pre-cleaned and, for example, freed from the following particles:
- Insects
- Textile fiber and hair
- Sand
- Fly ash
- pollen
- Spores, pollen, lint
The filter change can be carried out quickly and easily even by a layperson. The system also automatically monitors the filter quality and issues an error message as soon as it has to bechanged.
2nd Stage: HEPA particulate filter Kl. H13/14
The pre-filtered air is now in a HEPA filter class H13 / 14 freed from almost all remaining germs as follows.
- Aerosols
- Germs, bacteria, viruses
- tobacco smoke
- Corona viruses
The filter can be changed quickly and easily, even by a layperson. In addition, the system automatically monitors the filter quality and issues an error message as soon as it has to be changed.

3rd Stage: UV-C radiation
This is followed by the final disinfection of any remaining four using UV-C radiation
The system is dimensioned so that when the maximum amount of air is released, the UV-C light kills possible viruses in the air with absolute certainty. UVC dosage: According to David Welch, Manuela Buonanno and colleagues, 2mJ / cm² are necessary. The ViraClinAir® works with a light output of 50W = 50 Joule / sec and therefore much higher. The UV-C radiation is 100% for humans safe as it cannot escape from the device under any circumstances.4th Stage: Self-disinfection of the filters
It is used to self-disinfect the filters and the system
It is recommended from time to time to carry out a disinfection of the system once a month using the built-in disinfection generator with activated oxygen or hydrogen peroxide. The disinfection generator is activated for this purpose. When the function is switched on, the entire system and especially the filters are freed from any virus load. The disinfection generator may only be operated in the room without people.
The system controls this independently.
After activation, the room is queried by a proximity sensor before cleaning starts. The disinfection generator only starts when everyone has left the room. It then runs for 1 hour. If someone should enter the room during this time, the disinfection Generator is switched off immediately.It makes sense to switch on the disinfection generator only after the operating hours have ended overnight, as the room cannot be re-entered until 30 minutes after the end of cleaning. This makes changing the filter, albeit simple, rarely necessary. The system reports self-monitoring when a filter change is necessary.

Makes what the eye cannot see, visible and comprehensible.
The sensors installed in the ViraClinAir® measure all important air values, which are recorded and displayed in the form of a diagram on the display. Through the documentation, the air condition in the room can be constantly controlled and regulated. A necessary supply of fresh air with oxygen is indicated by the system via traffic lights.
GREEN air is OK
YELLOW Air still OK but soon ventilate
RED: penetrate ventilation

Moniored Parameters:
CO2 concentration oft he air
A CO2 sensor displays the air condition and gives an alarm for ventilation when the CO2 values become critical. (See traffic light display in the display) The CO2 sensor diagram shows the courseof the CO2 increase so that ventilation can be carried out at an early stage.Through a ventilationoutlet, an automatic fresh air ventilation can be connected.
Aerosol content of the air
Aerosol content, shows the exposure to breathing air and regulates the amount of air released in automatic mode. The aerosol diagram shows the course of the aerosol content of the air after switching on the ventilation.
Room temperature
Sensor, measures the room temperature. The temperature diagram shows the process with heating with a closed window and cooling with an open window.
The humidity diagram shows the increase in humidity, mostly caused by the air breathed by the people present.
Fan strength / air exchange rate
The air change rate shows the change rate per hour. Depending on the number of people in the room, this is increased or decreased in order to save energy. The air exchange rate can be set manually or automatically regulated by the system via the aerosol sensor. The self- monitoring of the system always ensures a sufficient air exchange rate, according to the size of the room and the number of people in the room.
Air passage filter
The measurement of the filter pressure is used to monitor the filter function. As soon as these are full and need to be changed, the system sounds an alarm. A filter change is easily possible even for a layperson.
UV-C light intensity
The UV-C tubes used have a service life of approx. 9000 hours. If the light intensity falls below a limit value, the system triggers an alarm. And the UV tubes have to be changed
All measured values are documented by the system with date and time and can be read out at any time
A password takes you to the service settings
The system has WLAN access, documented measured values can be queried via WLAN.

Safety through failure warning and maintenance information
he device permanently checks itself for safe function and issues an immediate warning message on the display. Depending on the urgency, this can be an indication of necessary maintenance or an alarm indicating a failure and an immediate reaction by the operator.What is monitored:
- The UV-C light intensity, to control the UV light tubes.
- The pressure difference of the filter to determine if filter replacement is necessary
- The function of the fan motor
- Whether there are people in the room, as cleaning with active oxygen is only carried out in the absence of people.
4 modes of operation can be used as required.
Manual control:
The system regulates itself, but the air exchange rate can be adjusted manually.
The system regulates itself and constantly maintains the minimum required performance level. The amount of air converted depends on the state of the air, especially the aerosol content.Stand-by mode:
The stand-by mode corresponds to the automatic mode. The system regulates itself and constantly maintains the minimum required performance level. The amount of air converted depends on the state of the air, especially the aerosol content. If the system detects that there has been no person in the room for a long time, the system switches itself off. As soon as a person enters the room again, the ViraClinAir® automatically switches on again.Self-cleaning:
The ViraClinAir® frees itself from any viral load using active oxygen. Operation with active oxygen can only be activated with an access code and only by authorized persons. The system also recognizes whether there are people in the room and only allows operation in empty rooms. As soon as a person enters the room, the system stops the cleaning operation. Since the room must not be entered for at least 30 minutes after the end of the cleaning with active oxygen, it is advisable to carry out cleaning at times of less frequent use, for example at night.
ViraClinAir® type VAC 3 and VAC 4 in toroidal form using the Coandâ effect.